Meet our Director!

Meet our Director
Award winning translator and children’s author, Jessica Dunrod, is a champion for ethical translation practice and positive representation in children’s literature.
Jessica became the first Black children’s author born in Wales since releasing “Outstanding” and “Your Hair is Your Crown” in English and Welsh language which she wrote to counteract The Black Doll Test (Brown University) which proved that behaviours such as unconscious bias* which are acquired by primary school age.
Jessica expanded on this research by coining The Elsa Affect Theory which theorises/argues a child’s early development is negatively impacted by a lack of representation in entertainment, marketing literature and aimed at children.
Included in Wales Online's 15 Black Welsh Icons list 2021!
Jessica L. Dunrod MA
Jessica holds a bachelors and masters degree in Translation Studies from Cardiff University where she served as Co-chair of the Cardiff University Student Race Equality Steering Group.
An ongoing contributor to the new Welsh curriculum commissioned by the Welsh government, Jessica continues to advise on best practice as an Inclusive Policy & Education Consultant, representing consulting for major Welsh organisations such Race Equality First and the main Early-Years Welsh Language specialist Mudiad Meithrin, in addition to leading discussions for and with Race Alliance Wales and Westminster Forum.
Fluent in Spanish and Modern Greek, trailblazer Jessica Dunrod is an inclusive language specialist with extensive experience in supporting academia and corporate businesses engaging in international commerce and communications.
In 2019 Jessica launched Ambassadora where she helps establish and protect brands in international markets with strategic language solutions and International Consultancy Services. Recognising the lack of expert translation support for publishers and authors, in 2021 Jessica launched Lily Translates to create the first translation firm in the UK, which is dedicated to children’s literature.
Jessica has made a permanent and important impact on Wales and Welsh literature by creating characters and stories which promote and celebrate our multicultural society, inspiring future generations of Welsh and underrepresented voices to showcase their Welsh talent and embrace what makes them unique. So inspired by Jessica’s visit and story, Ysgol Hamadryad became the first school in Wales to sign the Halo code into their declaration. A code which protects students from hair discrimination.
By translating the needed representation into Welsh literature with diverse 6 titles written by Black authors. Jessica again made Welsh history when she established the AwDuron Fund (Confra AwDuron) in collaboration with Muddied Meithrin, Jessica successfully embarked on the greatest single effort to diversify Welsh literature to date though fundraising to cover the Welsh translation costs of Black and underrepresented children’s authors, to establish their titles as Welsh literatures.
“Rising Star” winner of the Chwarae Teg Womenspire Award 2021 Jessica continues to use her voice, knowledge and expertise towards meaningful change.
In 2021 alone, Jessica lead panel discussions and important conversaions for and with programs and organsiations such as The Future Generations (Cymru) Commisioner, Literature Wales (Developing Writers of Colour), The Society of Authors, Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum (WHELF).
Jessica is the Welsh voices and has become the Welsh correspondent for The Voice Newspaper, Europe’s biggest Black press, enabling Wales to be further promoted and involved in press and discussions amongst a wider and more diverse audience.