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Our Director, Jessica Dunrod has authored and translated 2 children’s books making her the first Black children’s author born in Wales.. Learn more about why our Director wants to diversify Welsh & British literature in recent press: The Voice Newspaper, Style of the City Magazine, ITV News, Wales Online, Mogul Magazine, & Spell Magazine!
Jessica's literature has instantly created an important and permanent impact in on Welsh literature and education, inspiring the first school in Wales to adopt the Halo Code which protects children from hair discrimination.
Meet the author!
To request a press feature, event appearances, author events and panel discussions with Jessica Dunrod, please email more information about your event including event schedules to:
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Welsh children's books?

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Diverse Welsh Book Collection
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Diversify Your Bookshelf!
Thanks to public donations and support for the Lily Translates AwDuron fund collaboration with Mudiad Meithrin, we are delighted to present to you, 6 new, inclusive Welsh language children's titles which contributed towards the greatest effort to diversify Welsh literature to date.
All Welsh language are now available to pre-order now!
All AwDuron titles have been written by underrepresented author and received free translation services with Lily Translates after establishing our fund raiser which received overwhelming public support.
The popular original English language versions are available to purchase Amazon now!
Welsh language version coming very soon...
Pre-orders available now!
Princess Priye has a PARTY to throw, with much to do and places to go.
The magical entertainment is sorted and all the guests are now invited. Party day arrives. Oh no! There's a glitch! Can Princess Priye get it fixed?
Picil y Pobydd Brenhinol gan
Mae gan Y Dywysoges Priye BARTI i’w gynnal, gyda llwyth i’w wneud a llefydd i fynd.
Mae’r hwyl hudolus wedi’i threfnu a’r holl westeion wedi’u gwahodd. Mae diwrnod y parti wedi cyrraedd. O na! Mae ‘na broblem! A all Y Dywysoges Priye ei datrys?
JoJo loves having fun and playing with his friends in the park, but one day, a strange thing happens that causes all of the schools and parks to close. JoJo is sad and wants to be happy again. After finding a special toy that transports him to the Motherland, he is reunited with his grandad and given a bag of colourful jewels and a special message.
Jo Jo a’r Adinkrarwyrgan
Mae JoJo wrth ei bodd yn cael hwyl a chwarae gyda’i ffrindiau yn y parc, ond un dydd, mae rhywbeth rhyfedd yn digwydd sy’n achosi i’r holl ysgolion a pharciau i gau. Mae JoJo’n drist ac eisiau bod yn hapus eto. Ar ôl dod o hyd i degan arbennig sy’n ei gludo i’r Famwlad, mae’n aduno gyda’i Dadcu ac yn cael bag o dlysau lliwgar a neges arbennig.
Darryl draws on his influence as a movement coach, world traveller and restoring his inner child to focus on primal and playful movement for all ages. This story was inspired by his passion for encouraging kids to move in an ever increasing sedentary environment. He is fond of the occasional bout of video gaming too! He lives in London, England.
Fy Symudiadau Anifeiliaid Cyntaf gan
Mae Darryl yn defnyddio ei ddylanwadau fel hyfforddwr symud, teithio’r byd ac adfer ei
blentyn mewnol i ganolbwyntio ar symudiadau sylfaenol a chwareus i bob oedran.
Ysbrydolwyd y stori hon gan ei angerdd dros annog plant i symud mewn amgylchedd sy’n
gynyddol oddefol. Mae’n hoffi chwarae gemau fideo o bryd i’w gilydd, hefyd! Mae’n byw yn
Llundain, Lloegr.
Ar gael i’w harchebu ymlaen llaw yn Gymraeg
Available to pre-order in Welsh!

Eve does not like fruit. Dad tells her that she will turn into a baby if she does not eat her fruit. What will dad do when Eve really turns into a baby?
Eve, Bwyta Dy Ffrwythau!
Nid yw Eve yn hoffi ffrwythau. Mae Dad yn dweud wrthi y bydd hi’n troi’n fabi os na fydd hi’n bwyta’i ffrwythau. Beth fydd Dad yn ei wneud pan fydd Eve wir yn troi’n fabi?
Everyone needs to see and hear encouraging kind words. Better Learning books include inspirational quotes to lift and motivate all learners, promoting simple habits for success.
This exercise book is a unique resource for a wide range of learners in school or home-schooling. It encourages a positive mindset and consistency so that learners can build on success to greatness.
MATHEMATEG: Canolbwyntio ar ddysgu gwell
Mae angen i bawb weld a chlywed geiriau caredig a chalonogol. Mae llyfrau Better Learning yn cynnwys dyfyniadau ysbrydoledig i godi a chymell pob dysgwr, gan hyrwyddo arferion syml sy’n arwain at lwyddiant.
Mae’r llyfr ymarferion hwn yn adnodd unigryw ar gyfer ystod eang o ddysgwyr, p’un ai yn yr ysgol neu’n dysgu o gartref. Mae’n annog meddylfryd cadarnhaol a chysondeb fel bod dysgwyr yn gallu adeiladu ar lwyddiant i gyrraedd rhagoriaeth.
Mari’s ready for the school holidays and she can’t wait to eat loads of her favourite mangoes! Join her in colourful Caribbean adventure as she learns how to listen, share and be a good friend!
Mae Mari’n Caru Mangos gan
Mae Mari’n barod am wyliau’r ysgol ac yn methu aros i fwyta llwyth o’i hoff fwyd, mangos! Ymunwch â’i hantur Caribïaidd liwgar wrth iddi ddysgu sut i wrando, rhannu a bod yn ffrind da!